Saturday, May 17, 2014

Differentiated Monthly Close Reading Passages

Transitioning to Common Core and meeting the needs of students that read at different levels within your classroom has just become easier.  This document contains 10 different reading passages that are differentiated to meet the needs of students that read at four different reading level ranges (40 passages in all).  Click Here To Access It

Literature and informational text passages are both included.  On day one, students read a passage and answer questions.  On day two, students do a close reading of the passage and write a longer response.  This is a convenient way to integrate Common Core reading and writing skills.  For added convenience, each passage has been differentiated so that if you have students that read at the kindergarten, first, second, and third grade reading level ranges all within your classroom, everyone will have a passage that covers the same topic but is written at their own reading level.  The Lexile number is written on each passage.  Students practice closely reading text, inferring, locating details, character analysis, and more skills but at their own ability levels.  

Students learn about the past, animals, and review realistic fiction with these monthly close reading passages.

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