Thursday, August 16, 2018

Teach Decimals in a Fun Way with Blocks

Fun ways to teach decimals

If you are looking for a hands-on way to review math, make it fun, and appeal to a variety of learning styles, give this idea a try.  Use this as a math station, guided math activity, preteaching tool, or as an intervention.

Fun teaching ideas for decimals

How Does It Help?
Some students can visualize any math concept.  But for many students, visualizing the meaning of math concepts is not so easy.  The good news is that you can make a quick math center activity for just a few dollars. I store mine in a baggie and use it for guided math. This activity makes decimals meaningful and fun.

It Reviews:

  • The meanings of decimals and their representations
  • Decimal order
  • Adding decimals
  • Subtracting decimals
  • Comparing decimals

It both a great preteaching tool and a great math intervention.
decimal center ideas

Jumbo building blocks work well for this because they are large enough to write on, and the pieces are easy to find if they are dropped.

How to Create These Blocks
Many resale stores sell blocks.  After a nice cleaning, the blocks are as good as new.  For around $15, you can purchase new blocks at a local department store.

1.  Using a permanent marker, draw a long tenth rectangle.  Shade in part of the rectangle to represent 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc.

2.  On another side, write down the numerical equivalent.

3.  On a third side, write down the decimal in word form.
decimal math center ideas

Create center task cards that have a variety of activities.  Index cards work well.

Possible Tasks:

  • Place the blocks in number order.
  • Using the blocks as a visual, explain why the shaded part represents the decimal on each block.
  • Add the following decimal numbers.  Check your answer using the blocks.
  • Subtract the following decimal numbers.  Check your answer using the blocks.
  • Compare the following decimal numbers.  Using the shaded sections on each block, explain why one number is less that the other.
decimal math center ideas

I love the fact that students can feel, see, and represent decimals.  It makes math lessons come alive.

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