Monday, September 15, 2014

Free--When to Use a Comma Reference Chart

I am back with a freebie! There are so many different instances in which a comma should be used.  I have just released a handy student reference chart that students can attach inside of their student notebooks or place inside of a folder. Click Here To Access It.

Click the Link To Watch This Video


  1. The penultimate "Purpose" describes a comma splice; the coordinating conjunction (which is in the "Example" but not noted) must also be included to be grammatically correct.

  2. These rules are not correct! What does "after an expression" mean?? And "when two sentences are combined" is not entirely true--use a comma when you combine two sentences *using a coordinating conjunction* (such as and or but). Otherwise, you have a comma splice error. And you only use a comma with an adverb clause if the dependent clause comes first, but not if it comes at the end--"After we left, he fell asleep" but "He fell asleep after we left" no comma. Please don't spread misinformation!

  3. A comma also comes after the year:
    Tuesday, May 2, 2012, was when I graduated.
