
Friday, February 26, 2016

New Changes To Pinterest And What You Can Do About It

Okay, let us begin here.  It is not just you.  If you are like me, you rely heavily on Pinterest. You have an amazing blog post or idea that you want the world to know about.  Before now, you used to pin something, and the magic Pinterest fairies would let the world now know about it.  You would easily get five, ten, or even thirty repins in just a few hours.

No, Pinterest is not mad at you.  Just like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Pinterest is constantly trying to adjust their algorithms. What they are looking for is kind of a secret, but not really.

Helpful Tips
1.  Create more focused pins that have a more detailed description.  Pinterest is trying to help users find pins that they will find most interesting.  If you have gardening tips, math ideas, or beauty tips, use that word in your description not just in your image.  This will increase the chance that other users will find your pin.

2.  Modify the descriptions in some of your most popular pins.  You might have noticed that some of your pins from let's say three years ago are like Frankenstein and have come back to life, but the pins that you shared just a few days ago are hibernating.  I am not saying to delete old comments, but you might want to add additional helpful words or content to an old pin that will make it even easier to find.

3.  Pinterest still likes collaborative boards too.  Many people have wondered if collaborative boards are under attack.  I do not think so.  Pins from private and collaborate boards still show up at the top of a feed.   Make sure your pins are eye catching and focus on content that people are really looking for today.

4.  Give your new pin some time.  I have noticed a delayed reaction.  Sometimes it takes a few days to get noticed.  I have noticed that pins that I created a few days prior linger in the system and eventually get found.

Okay, this is the last and final tip.  Breathe. I think that some way, somehow this will work out.  But don't be surprised if when you figure out what works, Pinterest will change their algorithm again.

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