
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What Does It Mean To Divide Fractions?

What does it mean to divide a fraction by a fraction?  This is a great starting point for beginning a unit about dividing fractions. The reason why is because it encourages students to understand concepts first and learn procedures for solving math problems second.
(To access task cards that teach and review this concept, scroll to the bottom of this blog post.)

Using a question and diagrams as a starting point will help students better understand and identify word problems that involve the division of fractions.

Once students understand what dividing fractions means, they can move on to procedures.  Dividing fractions seems less scary can be applied to a variety of contexts.

Task cards that teach and review math concepts enable students to work independently but still have teacher support. 

For Task Cards That Teach and Review, Access A Link 

1 comment:

  1. I really like how your first poster emphasizes understanding instead of just step by step!
