
Friday, March 7, 2014

Reading Strategy Activity: Visualizing Information

If you have ever flipped through an old family album, you have seen Polaroid pictures.  The Polaroid camera could produce a fully printed image with the snap of a button.

Small pictures that kids create in the classroom are great additions to reading journals and serve as a guide for remembering important information.

DIY Visualizing "Photographs"
As students read, they can write what they visualize or take visual notes on these pieces of construction paper.

Materials Needed Include:
white cardstock paper
black cardstock paper
a ruler
chalk markers or chalk for writing
glue sticks or double-sided tape

1.  First, cut out 3 x 3 inch squares of black paper.  

2.  Next, cut out 4 x 5 inch rectangles of white paper.

3.  Paste the black cards on top of the white cards.  Allow a half of an inch space on the left and right sides of the new "picture".
4.  The extra space at the bottom of each card enables students to write a caption about the picture.  

Possible Uses Include:
*Use the pictures to draw steps in a math or science process.
This card shows the water cycle.

*Illustrate the plot structure of a story.
*Show a visual of cause and effect in a story or informational text.

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